As we are currently in Libra season, the Full Moon is in Aries today at 5:07 pm EST. Libra invites us to look at our relationships. Aries asks us to take a look at ourselves. Evaluate your current relationship with yourself. What about your relationships with others? In what ways can we nurture these relationships? Where can we find unhealthy aspects to release? I created this spread to take a deeper look. The deck I am using is The Starchild Tarot which you can find here.
*Exerts from the guidebook are used in my card explanations.
What do I need to release on this Full Moon for the remainder of the cycle?
The Three of Cups reversed
"Setbacks or delays. Family quarrels or disputes. A state of unhappiness or instability. It may be time to have some important conversations with loved ones. If there are any issues from your past that are now resurfacing, it is time to acknowledge them head-on and decide if you are ready to let them go. This allows you to make room for fresh perspectives and to establish a sense of closure."*
This I find to be spot-on and something I've been thinking about a lot. I moved in with my boyfriend this past March and like all couples, we've had to make adjustments and learn to live together. I mentioned in a previous post, we live in a one bedroom apartment. I've been struggling with finding my own personal space for quiet time and meditation. Sometimes he can get under my skin like nobody ever has. But I love him and I choose him as my partner. I find myself being super nit-picky about behaviors of his. We all have our issues, I know. This has been a huge struggle for me lately, and while I won't go into the personal details, I will say that I believe this Full Moon is asking me to release judgement I have developed towards him. I no longer wish to hold onto things from the past. It is best for myself and for my relationship with my partner that I begin healing.
What is my biggest blockage at the moment?
The Seven of Crystals
"The Seven of Crystals indicates a new perspective of your life goals. It could be that you feel as though you have worked very hard but are still in the process of reaping the rewards. Now is not the time to give up! If you are feeling stuck or idle at the moment, take some time to rest and review your next steps. Perhaps you have learned more than you thought possible along the way and have shifted your priorities unexpectedly. It could simply be a matter of gaining a new perspective and trusting your instincts, mind, body, & spirit. Look at your life, and think of all that you have accomplished and all that you are grateful for. This phase is simply a pause in your journey."*
Going back to the situation above, I get so easily frustrated and am very quick to lash out. (Cancer trait right there!) Not just due to outside influences but frustrations I am having within myself, mainly. I've been in a phase of questioning my purpose and what motivates me. Where should I be spending my time and what drives me to feel complete in this world? I know we've all been there. I really experienced this strongly in my 20's and during my Saturn Return. Here I am feeling back in that cycle, questioning where I belong. Who have I become? I know more about myself than ever before but I must release the pressure to have all the answers.
Where am I healing?
"This card indicates a period of deep contemplation as you look to find a solution to a problem or challenge. It is important to understand the actions you take, the words you speak, and the thoughts you have will directly shape and affect your reality. Justice is a card of energy transference; it describes the cause and effect balance of positive or negative thought actions. How can you learn from experience? You will gain a loving wisdom and deeper spiritual knowledge once your are able to reflect on the choices you have made in the past. Be fair with yourself and others. It is important not to make any assumptions and remain as objective as you can. You alone have the power to manifest your heart's desire and to experience Love and abundance."*
There couldn't be a better fitting card for this moment. After all, Justice is the card connected to Libra and ruled by Venus. I will let the quote from The Starchild Tarot guidebook do all of the talking here.
How can I move forward?
Serenity reversed
"If you are struggling to connect with your Higher Self of spiritual nature, you may need to devote some time aside that is just for you. It could be that you will need to detach yourself from a group setting or the presence of others for a little while, in order to ground yourself and renew a sense of independence. Take some time to disconnect from the 3D world by turning off your electronic devices. A wonderful time to explore some quiet activities that make you blissfully happy."*
Okay okay, I get it. Step away from your phone today, Whitney. Find the solitude you've been seeking. As I write this, I feel the connections I have been longing for.
Did you try this spread? What cards did you pull? How are you feeling connected to this Full Moon? All comments and feedback welcome. Subscribe to my blog for more!
Wishing everyone a happy Full Moon in Aries!
Logging off, for now.
*Exerts from the guidebook are used in my card explanations.