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About 2020: The Year Ahead

Whitney of Water

A new year and a new decade is just around the corner. Can you believe it?

First thing's first, 2020 will be the year of The Emperor. How tf do I know this? Easy. Numerology, babes! Add the digits 2+0+2+0=4. Now, I'm certainly not trying to belittle your math skills by spelling it out, forgive me. The Emperor is number 4 in the Major Arcana, starting with The Magician as number 1, and so on. 2019 was an Empress year. 2018 was Justice. Ya feel me?

Let's chat about The Emperor. He's a boss. He's a fatherly, masculine energy - the patriarchy. He's a stable leader who rules his kingdom with authority. Patriarchy aside - consider how YOU rule your life. How are you a boss in your world?

2020 is not going to be a year of waiting around for things to happen. No. This year will be all about planning, executing those plans, working hard, and putting into motion what it takes to MAKE shit happen. Period. 2019 was an Empress year - she's the creativity, the nurturing of new ideas. The Emperor implements those ideas and takes action. What have you been dreaming of? This coming year will be a great opportunity to turn your dreams into reality.

On December 2, 2019, Jupiter moved into Capricorn and will remain there throughout the year until December 19, 2020. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and Capricorn is the hard-working mountain goat, or SeaGoat - but really, wtf even is that magical creature?! Jupiter in Capricorn is a time to get clear on your goals, to plan, to organize, and to implement them!

A perfect combo, the Emperor and Jupiter in Cap. Time to be your own boss and be your own Daddy. Take charge and get shit done. Go forth and make it happen. Get your thrive on!

Perhaps meditate on how you want to use this energy and what you want to focus on in the upcoming year. Are you ready?

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